The connector prefixes these with a string that can be configured by setting the connector source context property Prefix for Expression Columns. 连接器为这些数字添加一个字符串前缀,该字符串可以通过设置连接器源上下文属性PrefixforExpressionColumns进行配置。
Note: The prefix is a Perl regular expression anchored to the left by a caret (^). 注意:T前缀是一个Perl规范的表达式,以一个左边的(^)结尾。
To be more selective, you may prefix the mode expression with u to set the permission for users, g to set it for groups, and o to set it for others. 为了更具可选性,您可以给模式描述加前缀u来设置用户权限,g来设置组权限,还有o为其他人设置。
If you forget to mention a prefix in any step, your expression will return nothing& an error for which it's difficult to track the cause. 如果有任何一个步骤忘记使用这个前缀,那么表达式不会返回任何内容,并且很难搞清楚究竟是哪一步出的错。
Specifies the prefix of the expression builder to remove from the collection. 指定要从集合中移除的表达式生成器的前缀。
A rapid algorithm for transforming infix expression into prefix expression 中缀表达式到前缀表达式的快速算法
After further researches for these problems, in order to extract information automatically, this thesis presents a new Web information extraction method using prefix expression, which works under the same domain, same level and same kind of Web pages. 在深入研究以上问题的基础上,为了达到自动抽取的目的,本文结合同一域名下同类同层的Web页面的特征,提出了一种基于前缀表达式的Web信息抽取方法。